Monday, October 27, 2014

Random Monday: Only Two Posts in 2014 - How Uncool!

A year with no posting?! For shame!

Since my creator has such a terrible time keeping up, I'll contribute a post. Hi, I'm Ashley, and I'm the protagonist of the Flame Cycle Saga, which this blog is so named for. So, to keep this short, here's a Random Monday, which used to fit the schedule so well. By random I mean my author only wants me to do a general update of stuff. So, here goes.

A list of happenings in the author's life -
- School
- More school
- Lots of school
- Work
- More work
- Almost getting electrocuted/set on fire at work
- Other life matters

A list of happening in the character's life -
- Illegal cross-ocean journeys
- Heart-to-hearts
- Exploring places unseen for 2000 years
- Talking to Greek gods and goddesses
- It seems fun, but it's not.

So, with that, there's the update. If anyone still reads, lemme know in the comments what's going on for you characters and your authors! Also, another well-wishing for NaNoWriMo. My creator desires to offer an extension for writing buddies, so her profile name is:


Some others you might buddy up with areeee -
Mastermaid22 []
ZG Writer []
and Kela McClelland - she's not doing a NaNo project this year that we know of, but it'd be fun to buddy with her regardless! []

Have a happy Monday, friends!! Ashley Vaandere out!
[There's a formatting issue that hasn't been solved quite yet. Why does a double-space look like a triple-space? No fun.]

Saturday, October 25, 2014

NaNo's Write* Around the Corner!

*All intentional, my friends.

NaNoWriMo is a week away.

I've signed up this year, but given how well I've done in keeping up with all my social media and writing in general...

*Glances awkwardly at blog and brushes cobwebs away*

Well, we'll see.

I wish you all the best of luck and if you want to add a writing buddy on NaNo, I'm kconine57715. Good luck again, and may the words be ever in your favor?

[Y'see what I did there?! Mockingjay Part 1 is coming soon too, yay!]