Title: The Power of Six
Author: Pittacus Lore
Published: August 23, 2011
Number of Pages: 406
Rating: 5/5
I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he's a mystery. But to me . . . he's one of us.
Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us—if we all still believe in our mission. How can I know? There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams? The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine? The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together?
They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed.
I am Number Seven. One of six still alive.
And I'm ready to fight. (goodreads)
Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us—if we all still believe in our mission. How can I know? There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams? The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine? The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together?
They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed.
I am Number Seven. One of six still alive.
And I'm ready to fight. (goodreads)
“If you ever know a man who tries to drown his sorrows, kindly inform him his sorrows know how to swim.”
Wow! I am so happy to say this book impressed me, a lot. I grabbed this book the minute I saw it on the shelf (during my book-shopping-spree) and I didn't get to reading it until this week, but I completely devoured it. There are so many things to go over in this work, so little time...
Pittacus Lore chooses to tell the story in two completely different POVs: John's and Marina's. The instant I began reading, I liked Marina's character. She is strong, firm in her beliefs, and she doesn't take crap. Immediately you grow frustrated with her Cepan, Adelina, who seems to have given up on rescuing Lorien. You can tell the minute the story starts this isn't going to have a lot of happy-go-lucky attitude in it, though there are parts that will make you laugh out loud.
That makes a good book. John, Six, and Sam are fleeing the law and learning to train at the same time. Lore is amazing with this: normally, when characters are on the run, all you ever hear about is how they're running. The trio don't do this. You hear about the things in between, their training and their banter and the moments where they slow down. I loved it! And the love SQUARE is even better!! Though near the end of the book that square is ruined, and it WILL make you mad. (;
There were two things about this book that I had trouble with, though. Those two things are One: Marina, John, and Six know that the charm has been broken. How...did...that...happen? Did I miss it? Because I didn't read anywhere explaining how the heck the charm was broken. Two: Lore needs more vocabulary words than 'ash'. Like...dust. And alternate between them, because I got a little irked reading 'ash' 'ash' 'ash' 'ash' over and over again during the action scenes.
You see the Mogadorians so much this time around! And WTF CANNONS. So much more action-packed, so much more battles of the heart, so many battles of the minds and learning. How Lore packed so much into this book, I'll never know! I know I was on page 101 one day and the next I was on, like, 342.
Yay Bernie Kosar! Just as awesome as always! <3 And even Henri makes a small appearance, albeit through a letter; but you can still sense the Henri-ness of it! The writing was so smooth I didn't even know when I was turning the pages. I'm not the kind of person who likes to get committed to a series, so when I do, I am SERIOUS BUSINESS about it. Am I using too many caps? Oh well. But I'm so glad I kept with this series—I want MORE!!
Now, typically, I don't enjoy stories about aliens. That was why I was hesitant on reading I Am Number Four, and hesitant on continuing the series. But that's the thing: Pittacus Lore (I love this pseudonym omg) makes it a DRAMA more than a science fiction. An action/adventure. The story is completely its own, and if there are any other books it can be closely compared to, it is not in my library. Each character is down-to-earth, in every sense of the term; realistic, likeable, and every single one has their own mysteries to be solved either by you or by the protagonist.
I can't think of anything else to say about this book. The first fifty pages or so seemed slower to me, but of course I was busy the day I started the book, so that doesn't matter so much. I loved it, and I'm eager for the next book in the series. I'm curious to see how the story will progress, I want to know more about our new Mogadorian antagonist, and I want to know...everything!
Reading: Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Watching: -
Listening to: Those For the Purge - Masashi Hamauzu
Quote: "There were only two kinds of people in our town. "The stupid and the stuck," my father had affectionately classified our neighborhood." — Ethan Wate
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