1. Write about a time you dressed up.
2. Include a picture if you have one.
3. Nominate five people.
Woohoo! Kela’s so awesome; two awards?! Yeah!
M’kay. It’s rare for me to dress up as it is, so this will be a good post.
Junior/Senior Prom 2012. Theme: All of the Lights. I wasn’t planning on going to prom; I didn’t see the point when I could be at home, I don’t know, writing. But my friend Whitney badgered me about it until I finally groaned, “Alright! I’m going to Indiana next weekend; I’ll look for a dress.” Much to her excitement, I found one. After going to about eight stores. Imagine my mom’s excitement—her little tomboy is actually letting her parents look for a DRESS? Had I been stolen by a changeling? Nope, I was just going for it. Might as well go all out, right?
The more I thought about it leading up to prom though, the more excited I got. So when the day of prom came, my mom pampered me. I was freaking Cinderella, people. I had makeup on. My hair was up. I had jewels in my hair. I was wearing high heels. I’d never done this before, and oddly, I felt amazing.
So driving to prom at 95 mph with my weird music pumping merely increased my good mood. Once there I sat down with my best friends. All of my teachers, those in the senior class, everyone was just stunned. Me, Kendra, the girl-crazy-about-wolves-and-writing was here, at prom, wearing a dress? My science teacher ran over to me, grabbed my shoulder as though to ensure I was real, and then started taking pictures of me. ‘Kay, I was seriously Cinderella, or something. After the hype was over, we settled down to read senior prophecy (a sore topic).
I started to feel a little dull then. It wasn’t like I was going to get up and dance. So after we ate and the music started, I prepared for a boring evening. Just what I brought my iPod for. However, no one was letting this happen. Once I walked up to the dancers and simply remained off to the side to watch, everyone else coaxed me in. A group dance song started, one I can’t resist, so I went in and danced.
After that, I was on the dance floor for the rest of the night. When it was time to change to post-prom clothes, for me to shed my skin and become Kendra again, I was a bit bitter about it—but not so much. It’s best to keep these things rare and keep people surprised, after all. (;
I'm really sorry, I don't have a good enough picture (with me in a dress) that I feel comfortable with posting. ): Maybe some other time.
I nominaaate~ *Drumroll*
That sounded like a fun time! Good for you!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Kendra!
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful you thought of me! What an honor. I am super excited that you even thought of me. Thank you:) Really. Seriously. Thank you
@DL: It was! It was so much more fun than I ever anticipated it to be. (:
ReplyDelete@InkintheBook: It's not a problem. x3 You're welcome though.
I love your prom story! I didn't go to mine, lo, those many moons ago, mostly 'cause I didn't have a boyfriend and 'cause I knew the music would seriously suck. So it was fun living prom through you. And thanks for the award! Though I have to admit, I honestly can't remember I wore something awesome...
ReplyDeleteSome Dark Romantic
AWE thank you for nominating me, i'm flattere!! :p and i'm so glad you had fun at your prom, i had a blast at mine!
ReplyDelete@Mina: The music DID suck! :D I was just able to ignore it after I let myself have some fun. You're welcome! I'm sure there's a time when you wore something awesome. (;
ReplyDelete@Audrey: No problem! (; I didn't expect to have so much fun at prom! Definitely one of the best nights of my life.
That's so neat! Thank you so much! And you totally deserved the award.