The Swan Prince review (click me!)
The Stone Kingdom review (click me!)

These wonderful novellas were reviewed by me in 2013. I wanted to bring these to the attention of readers since Danielle Shipley (over at Ever On Word) is gearing up for the release of The Surrogate Sea, the sixth book of The Wilderhark Tales.
Since I'm about to do reviews for them all, I figured I'd include Sula's, Villem's, Rosalba's, and Edgwyn's introductory works!
The Swan Prince and The Stone Kingdom are available on Amazon, Createspace, and Barnes and Noble! [I only linked to The Swan Prince.]
I strongly encourage anyone who hasn't looked at these books yet to at least give them a look. "I don't want to read a fairytale," one might say. Well, these aren't fairytales. These are Wilderharks. (:
If you're in the mood for amazing writing, prose, characters, plot, pace, and every other element involved in writing, this is a good place to start. I've said it before - the characters leap off of the pages, they grab you and pull you in, and they do not let go.
This next month is going to pretty much be Wilderhark Month here on Flame Writer! I'm starting it with this glance back at these two novellas, and the next few weeks up until March 28th, when I'm on the Blog Tour for The Surrogate Sea, each Thursday (and that Saturday) is going to feature a post about The Wilderhark Tales.
Check in next Thursday for my review of The Seventh Spell! I'm reading it right now, and OH MY GOD IT'S SO AMAZING!!
Have a good Thursday, everyone! Let me know your thoughts in the comments - drop in on Danielle's blog if you have the chance too!
Please excuse any typos. It was 12 AM when I typed this after cramming homework. If I spy any errors in the morning I shall correct them.
Also, any comments on the new font are welcome. Too big? Just right?
Thanks, everyone! See you next time!
If anyone needs me, I'll just be over in this corner, weeping tears of gratitude...